Scheduled, repeatable, and auto-deleted publications EmailGateBot
EmailGateBot can send scheduled messages. To do this, put the special code in a separate line of your message. For example:
###start 31-12-2018 23:59
In this case, the message will be published in the Telegram at the specified time (UTC time zone used).
To publish a message several times at different times, add additional lines with the desired publication time.
###start 31-12-2018 23:00
###start 31-12-2018 23:59
###start 01-01-2019 10:00
To post a message at a specified time and then automatically delete it, add the stop
tag after the start
For example, the following lines in the body of the message will plan the first publication with its removal after 1 hour
and the repeated publication of the same message 1 hour after the removal of the first.
###start 01-01-2019 10:00 stop 01-01-2019 11:00
###start 01-01-2019 12:00
Lines with a code will not be included in the published message. You can schedule publications to 30 days ahead. Each channel/group queue can contain up to 10 scheduled tasks for free and up to 200 tasks for paid mode.
To cancel a scheduled task, send the /start
command in private chat with the bot, and select from the list the chat where the publication is scheduled.
Next, select the “Scheduled:” menu item, then from the list of tasks, select the desired one, in the next menu, select “Revoke task”.
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