Notifications in Telegram Messenger channels and groups from popular resources: Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. Open-source solution.
You can receive notifications in Telegram from any resource that can send notifications to the email you specify. To do this, you need:
- make sure that you have enabled notifications on your mailbox on this resource
- get a special email address from the Telegram EmailGateBot bot
- enable forwarding notifications to this email in your inbox
To remove HTML markup from forwarded messages and make messages concise and informative, EmailGateBot uses its automatic text conversion feature. EmailGateBot sends the contents of the received notifications to a special site and publishes a response from this site in the desired channel/group.
In this way, EmailGateBot can handle notifications from Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and some other sites.
EmailGateBot determines resources by the address of sender.
For example, notifications from Facebook are sent from
The code for the site that processes the contents of notifications is written in Python/Flask and is available at Github. You can freely use this code to deploy your own notification processing site on your host. Or offer code (Pull Request on Github), which will process the notifications you need on the existing EmailGateBot host.
In addition to publishing notifications from popular resources, EmailGateBot can do a lot of useful things. You can read a detailed description of the features of EmailGateBot.
Go to @EmailGateBot