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Pictures, videos, stickers and other types of media in EmailGateBot

You can publish images by attaching an image file to the email you send. The first 1024 bytes of the text of the letter will be used as a caption for the picture. During the day in this way, you can post up to 12 pictures in the free chat and up to 240 pictures in the paid chat. The limit is reset every day at 00:00 GMT. Mass mailing to several chats via is counted as one picture.

Also, you can publish pictures and files of any type in another way. Send the file to the private chat with a bot. The bot will respond to you with a message that contains a special code. This code should be added as a separate line in the text of the email and your file will be published.

You can send files of the following types:

Files and images sent in this way are not counted for the daily quota of sent pictures.

If you send an email containing the code and the attached image file, the attached image file will be published, but the code will be ignored.